The player to last catch a creature goes first. Play then proceeds clockwise around the table.
Player's Turn
Each player's turn consists of 4 phases: an Action phase, a Build phase, a Capture phase and a Draw phase.
During the Draw phase, a player does one of the following:
-Either discards any number of cards, including zero, and draw back to a hand size of 7.
-Or draws 2 Collection cards, keeps 1, and shuffles the other back into the Collection deck.
At the end of the players turn, any Huntsman or Crew Members used this turn are renewed and available to use next turn.
A. Action Phase
The player may play up to 2 Action cards.
B. Build Phase
The player can build as many cages or items as they have build points available.
- Each Crew Member and Huntsman can only be used to build a single cage or item in a single turn.
- Build pointsare not pooled.
C. Capture Phase
The player can capture as many creatures as they have capture points available and cages to house them.
- If a Crew Member or Hunstman was used to build they cannot be used to capture in the same turn.
- Each Crew Member and Huntsman can only be used to capture a single creature in a single turn.
- Capture points are not pooled.
Battles are triggered when a player plays a Reaction card or when another player attacks a Cargo Bay with an Alarm.
When a Battle is Triggered
- The Attacker selects 2 Battle cards from their available Battle cards and their Decoy, then shuffles the 3 cards and places them face down on the table in any order.
- The Defender selects 2 Battle cards from their available Battle cards (no Decoy) and places them facedown on the table.
- The Defender then selects 1 of the Attacker's 3 played cards to remove from the battle. If the Defender selects the Decoy the Attacker must reveal it, otherwise they do not have to. The selected card is returned to the Attacker's available pile of Battle cards.
- The cards are then revealed and the player with the highest total wins. Ties go to the Attacker.
All cards used in the battle are put into the players' used Battle cards pile, except the Decoy which is returned the available Battle cards pile. When a player has 2 or fewer available Battle cards, including the Decoy, then all used Battle cards are returned to their pile of available Battle cards.
End Game
The last round is triggered when the last card is drawn from the Utilty deck. When the last card is drawn fro the Utilty deck then all players, including the player who drew the last card, get one final turn.
A player can also trigger the last round, if they have a minimum number of occupied cages in their Cargo Bay. The minimum number of occupied cages required depends on the number of players. When a player reaches or exceeds the minimum number of occupied cages they can call "Last Round". When they do, then all other players get one final turn, except for the player who called "Last Round".
Players add up the total points of all creatures in their Cargo Bay. They then add any bonus points from completed Collections or subtract and failure penalties for any incomplete Collections.
Player with the most points wins. In case of a tie, the player with the most creatures wins.